My Frugal Summer of Code

The title being a wordplay on “Google Summer of Code” does not mean that it is not entirely true, as there is hardly any time during vacationing with two little children to write much code. And I admit that most of what you’ll see in this post was written pre- and post-vacations. But I did read a lot of stuff on array programming, APL, J, papers on array functional programming. I thought really hard (but vacation-grade hard) about how some of these things can be grafted on a more conventional functional language. And I did make an honest effort to find a Java or Scala library for dense multidimensional arrays that could provide a basic substrate for such an effort. If the job, Flying Donut or life, in general, let me, you’ll hear more in another post.

The current post, however, will use J to tackle a code kata I found, which I thought would be ideal for some array-fu.

Assume you have the three lines that constitute an account number. The first thing you should do is separate the nine “digits”. Conveniently, the same functionality can be used to generate some data useful in the sequel, so let’s start by separating the ten digits 0 – 9.

alldigits =. ] ;._2 (0 : 0)
 _     _  _     _  _  _  _  _
| |  | _| _||_||_ |_   ||_||_|
|_|  ||_  _|  | _||_|  ||_| _|

NB. Break in 3x3 cells
chop =. monad : ',/ (3 3 ,: 3 3) ];._3 y'

digits =. chop alldigits

I know, most of it looks like a cartoon character swearing. What you see in the above is a handy way of writing multi-line data and a handy higher-level operation to apply an operation to subarrays of an operand. Let’s chop a sample account number.

NB. A number with no wrong digits
num =. ] ;._2 (0 : 0)
    _  _     _  _  _  _  _ 
  | _| _||_||_ |_   ||_||_|
  ||_  _|  | _||_|  ||_| _|
nums =. chop num
<"_1 nums

The resulting “digits” are “boxed” so that they are also displayed as boxed.

│   │ _ │ _ │   │ _ │ _ │ _ │ _ │ _ │
│  |│ _|│ _|│|_|│|_ │|_ │  |│|_|│|_|│
│  |│|_ │ _|│  |│ _|│|_|│  |│|_|│ _|│

And the magic continues. Let’s write lots of nested loops to recognize the corresponding digits.

NB. Results in character list
digitize =. digits&i.

Ok, I was kidding. Here’s what digitize nums gives you: the vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Transforming it to a human readable string is equally ridiculously simple.

NB. Takes digitized list, results in character list 
show =. {&'0123456789?'

Non recognized digits result in a past-the-end index, hence the ‘?’ after the last valid digit.

NB. A number with one wrong digit
wrongnum =. ] ;._2 (0 : 0)
_   _  _     _  _  _  _  _ 
  | _| _||_||_ |_   ||_||_|
  ||_  _|  | _||_|  ||_| _|
wrongnums =. chop wrongnum
show digitize wrongnums

The output is ?23456789.

Surely calculating the checksum should be a little more difficult.

NB. (to be used only on correctly parsed numbers)
checksum =. monad : '11 | (1+i. 9) (+/ . *) |. y'

Well, it is a little more difficult, truth be told. But I have to go to bed, so I’ll break off at this point, but only after I compute some data for the next step, which is to try digits to similar ones in order to produce candidate account numbers to recover from checksum errors.

NB. Locations (mask bits) where digits have lines 
digitmasks =. '         ' ~:"(1) (,"2 digits)

NB. Locations where digits share mask bits
maskcompmatrix =. (-"1/~ digitmasks) ="0 ] 0

NB. Count of similar mask bits between digits
diffmatrix =. +/"1 maskcompmatrix

NB. Outside the diagonal: Digits that share 8 out of 9 mask bits
offbyone =. diffmatrix ="(0) 8

offbyones =. (monad : '< y # i. 10')"1 offbyone

I guess this suddenly strikes you as too much code, doesn’t it? Five whole lines! It’s only one line shorter than the code to define a property in Java, for crying out loud!

I’ll get into the details next time!


One thought on “My Frugal Summer of Code

  1. Pingback: My Frugal Summer of Code, part 2 | dsouflis

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